Features and Reviews

Underlined periodical titles indicate articles available in pdf form or web links. Click to download/view.  

Smithsonian American Art Museum, "Landscapes In Passing: Photographs by Steve Fitch", February 2013

Robert Koch Galleries, "Western Landmarks & Diesels and Dinosaurs", October 2012

Photo Eye Gallery, "Steve Fitch on Highway Culture", March 2012 

Pasatiempo, "Or the Highway" by Michael Abatemarco, February 2012

Photograph Magazine, "Steve Fitch: Highway Culture" by Douglas Fairfield, February 2012

Photo Eye Gallery, "Steve Fitch: Highway Culture: Press & Pics", February 2012 

Photo Daily News, "Photo of the Day: At the Drive-in", January 2012

Prairie Fire, "American Landscapes: Contemporary Photographs of the West" by Toby Jurovics, September 2011

Albuquerque Journal, "Mother Road Exhibit takes a look at roadsides along Route 66 and her Neon" by Malin Wilson Powell, February 2011

Finite Foto, "Forty Years of Photography: An Interview with Steve Fitch" by Jennifer Schlesinger, 2011

Spot, Houston Center for Photography, a typology of twelve photographs, Fall 2006

Great Plains Quarterly
, Review of “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” by David Taylor, The Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2004

The Magazine, A brief review of the Marion Center exhibition of “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains”, 2003

The Chronicle Review, excerpt from “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” with three photographs, July 18, 2003

Crosswinds Weekly, An article about the Marion Center exhibition of “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” by Lisa Polisar, with three photographs, July 10-17, 2003

The Albuquerque Journal, North, An article about the Marion Center exhibition of  “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” with three photographs, July 11, 2003

Harper Magazine, A mention of “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” with one photograph, June, 2003

High Country News, A review of “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” with two photographs, June 23, 2003

Photo District News, A review of my book, “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” with two photographs, 2003

View Camera Magazine, A feature article about “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” with four photographs, March/April 2003

Pasatiempo, The New Mexican, a feature article about “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” with five photographs reproduced, February 7, 2003

Albuquerque Journal, A review of “Gone: Photographs of Abandonment on the High Plains” with one photograph, February 2, 2003

Vistas: The Quarterly Magazine for the College of Santa Fe, "Clickin' on 66" by Janet Wise. Vistas. Summer 2002

Pasatiempo, The New Mexican, a feature article about “Archeology of Abandonment” series of photographs and the Eliot Porter Fellowship award, January 14, 2000.

Vintage Neon, Fifteen photographs reproduced along with extensive quotes; by Len Davidson, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., Atglen, PA, 1999

The New York Times, Review of an exhibition, “The West” at the Princeton University Art Museum, Sunday, August 2, 1998

The American Drive-in Movie Theater by Don and Susan Sanders, Motorbooks International, Osceola, WI, 1997, ten photographs reproduced

New Mexico Designer/Builder, “Neon”, five photographs and a story, September, 1994; pps. 21-23

New Mexico Magazine, “Neon Nights”, six photographs and a short story, February, 1988; pps. 22-27

Artspace Magazine, one photograph and a review by Joel Weishaus of “Marks in Place: Contemporary Responses to Rock Art”, Spring 1988; pps. 8-12

American Photography: A Critical History 1945 to the Present, pps. 92, 155, 178-9; Abrams, New York, 1984

Artspace Magazine, “Steve Fitch: Radiation Pines and Other Works”, an article about Fitch's photography and neon installations by Rick Dingus, Spring, 1984; pps. 20-22

Rocky Mountain Magazine, photographs reproduced pps.27-32, July/August 1979 and July/August 1980 cover.

Artforum magazine, review of the Simon Lowinsky Gallery exhibition, May, 1980

Village Voice, review of exhibition at Foto Gallery, February 19, 1979; p. 75

Picture Magazine, photographs reproduced and discussed, April, 1979

A Ten Year Salute: A Selection of Photographs in Celebration, The Witkin Gallery 1969 to 1979 by Lee Witkin, Addison House, Danbury, NH, 1979; p.159

Latent Image, vols. #2  and #3, a portfolio of photographs reproduced, 1979

New West, photographs reproduced and a short discussion, November 6, 1978; p.83

Popular Photography, annual, photographs reproduced, 1977

Creative Camera, a portfolio of drawings and photographs reproduced and an essay about Fitch's work, August 1977, pps. 266-73; 256-7; 280-1

Aura magazine, photograph reproduced, May 1976

Bombay Duck, a portfolio of photographs reproduced, San Francisco, CA, 1976

Afterimage, exhibition review, May/June 1975

Exposure, photograph reproduced, May 1975

Artweek, exhibition or book reviews: March 31, 1973; May 10, 1975; January 8, 1975; November 26, 1977; September 8, 1979; February 2, 1980; February 9, 1980